OFF: Fw: weird facts - bollocks more like.

Jon Browne jon at COMICS.DEMON.CO.UK
Wed Feb 4 05:43:27 EST 1998

In article <SIMEON.9802041423.G at>, Nick Widdows
<N.Widdows at BRADFORD.AC.UK> writes
>Sorry, I call it how I see it. Nothing wrong with
>strippers, but is a position of (sort of) power a good
>idea? On the other hand....

What? WHAT? What, in fact, the f..?

Yes, it's a good idea!  It's a great idea to have people who aren't
screwed up in positions of power. That's why I like people like Tony
Banks. (But seeing as the interests of those who govern are in reality
so wildly different to the interests of those being governed it's
probably for the best that many in power are such inneffectual farts.)

Not that I'm particularly interested in Parliamentary prodedure, leaning
more to Anarcho-liberalism, but Boothroyd strikes me as intelligent and
as having integrity. I think you might re-appraise your critia for
judging people's value, Nick. The woman has been Parliamentary Speaker
for several years now. In what way do you feel her performance could
have been improved? How do you feel her past has affected her work?
What precisely draws you to cast aspersions? I'm intrigued.

Not that this has a lot to do with HW in the first place. Funny place
for moralising, BOC-L. I thought the place was full of 'ippies myself.


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