BOC vs. Kiss
BREVARD, Adrian R.
abrevard at SHL.COM
Wed Feb 4 08:28:58 EST 1998
>Well, our friend Manuel has developed a sense of humor concerning the new
album, it would seem. Didn't he tell us last week about the new BOC
single called "Gosh Gee" with a Buck Mandolin solo?
Say it ain't so Manuel.
>I don't know for a fact who the producer is, but I'm 99% sure that
Manuel's yanking our chains again. While Gene has produced some
records, I don't think he and BOC are exactly buddies these days.
Hmmm a throwback to the 70's perhaps? These bands dueled pretty hard in
the arena circuit. I was a fan of both. Saw Kiss first and then BOC,
man for man comparison was no comparison, BOC were far better players.
Is Gene still jealous of Joe? Sure Joe would be willing o teach him how
to play a bass for a standard fee. Now Kiss fans lay off, its raining
like hell here and been a tough morning already. I'm just funnin'.
<< I don't think thats necessary a bad thing mind you, just a tad hard
swallow. >>
>Probably not the best phrasology in light of the recent Clinton stuff...
I dunno R; word is Bubba is into facial spacklings from a distance. 8>)
Ghost in the Ruins
"Once again we have blasted the nasal passages of the City clean of the
cloning mucus of evil. Now we can all breath free and easy and smell
the lilacs in bloom. Hello aroma!" - The Tick
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