OFF: Chrome tour date(s)

sprawl sprawl at BLACKBOARD.COM
Wed Feb 11 09:21:27 EST 1998

Kenneth Magnusson wrote:

> Hi
> >sorta like nik turner and _his_  friends playing hawkwind songs, or dave
> >brock and
> >_his_ friends playing hawkwind songs. ;)  just foolin' around there, but
> >im sure
> >there's a point in there somewhere.
> Exactly my thoughts, there is no Hawkwind anymore just two bands doing
> Hawkwind-covers, no I didn't say that they are bad, just that I think that
> the magic is gone. I hope that they can get it together for the promotion
> of the 1999 Party and that they can avoid just being nostalgic.

well, i know what you are saying, and agree with you to some extent. but that
is not what i meant. i was actually being playfully sarcastic.  it's all
hawkwind to me.  i dont bicker about which version it is. if its got the
sound, and the feel, its hawkwind. i wouldnt say the magic is gone, but

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