HW: Bob sings, Nik sings (was: Your captain is dead, part 2)

Jon Browne jon at COMICS.DEMON.CO.UK
Wed Feb 11 11:08:07 EST 1998

In article <5446301011021998/A05031/LNMV02/11C25A9E2A00*@MHS>, LN1GJT
<Guy.Thomas at LONDON.ENTOIL.COM> writes
>RJ, you're probably right there, but that was the second ocassion when Nik was
>fired, back in 1985. (I think Nik's last gig as a full member of the line-up
>was the gig at Whitehorse Hill, Wiltshire UK, summer solstace 1985. This was
>in-lieau of playing at Stonehenge that year, as the authorities were cracking

It was an alright show, but I did not appreciate the tripping skinhead
next to me pulling his nob out and pissing down my leg. He didn't do it
on purpose, he was just so far gone he didn't give a shit.

festivals, eh?

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