HW: What's a good Hawkwind record?

Carl Norum carl at NORUMREZ.USASK.CA
Thu Jan 1 13:18:48 EST 1998

Hi there!  I've been a BOC fan for some time now, and having read this
list for quite a while, I'm thinking of picking up a Hawkwind album.  I
checked the local new/used record store, and they have quite a selection
of Hawkwind albums.  I'd like some advice on these, and on which one I
should pick up.  The ones they have are:

Alien 4
Acid Daze I
Acid Daze II
Acid Daze III
Live Chronicles
Space Ritual 2
Space Bandits
Xenon Codex
Love In Space
(Some psychedelic covered one, all blue and red and green...  I think
it's called "Space is Deep", but don't quote me on that...)
and, the new album, whatever it's called...I just recognised some of the
songs from having heard about them on the list.

Thanks a lot!

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 Page by Carl Norum (carl at norumrez.usask.ca)
      for Hand of Evil Web Productions

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