BOC : Theo being bad again

Ted Jackson jr. 6L6 tojackso at LIBRARY.SYR.EDU
Tue Jan 6 12:57:36 EST 1998

> From:          "BREVARD, Adrian R." <abrevard at SHL.COM>

> >> sure (no offense) BOC's drumming isn't any more proficient than his,
> Theo>Pretty strong statement considering BOC's drummer can dust just
> about
> anyone in the business.  Listen to the first 3 BOC albums, and you'll
> realize the absurdity of such a statement!
> Oh now Theo, it's important to be accurate with these things.  Mr.
> Bouchard can definitely drum with anyone out there, no denying that, but
> in this instance you should not assume that the reference to the first
> three albums adequately identifies him.  There, now to the time out
> corner with you. 8>).
Fair enough.  My reference to the first 3 [obsession, really] should
have been amplified by saying that, taken together, they represent
absolute percussion perfection from song to song.  While Al continues
to amaze me on a daily basis, I still maintain that his work on those
3 is his best stuff, all the more amazing in that they came
relatively early in his career [of evil].  The inventiveness he
shows, the fact that he never plays anything simple, yet never
overpowers the rest of the group...I haven't seen anyone else come
close.  He actually seems to have toned things down [at least in the
studio] after that point, and played more conservatively.  Live,
well, he still rocks the house, and anyone else's!

> C>Now get off yer fat lazy old dope smokin 70s fossil whitey greaser
> rockerboy acid casualty candy ass and make me some fucking rock'n'roll
> tapes or I'll raise some serious fucking hell on BOC-L with "theo"
> firmly
> placed in the motherfuckin' header!!!! ;))))
> Theo>May a superior beer-swilling golfer chase you into the path of a
> rabid marauding moose in full view of the local unsympathetic
> gendarmerie, who will mistakenly identify you as the olympic stadium
> bomber...
> Will this be a May or June wedding?  Will the list members receive
> invitations?  You guys crack me up with this stuff.
They got laws against bigamy around here.  Maybe I'll have to move
somewhere east of here...

> Thats a tough nut to crack man and I'm not sure she's worth the effort.
> Its nice and all she's so into BOC but c'mon, they are not the only band
> in the world.  Find out where she lives and maybe we can get Al and Deb
> to Trep' her.

That assumes one has a brain to enrich with all that extra oxygen!
But just because we dig BOC HW ans tBS to the max shouldn't blind us
to their shortcomings.  What band needs pointless idolatry?


"I told you not to be stupid..."
--Ben S.

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