HW: Rarity mispressing?

Ola Nyberg ola.nyberg at SYSTEM3R.SE
Fri Jan 9 10:21:50 EST 1998

Miikka Wagner wrote:

>>I have a pretty weird mispressing (reissue from the eighties) of the
>>of the Mountain Grill LP.
>>It has the B-side printed on both sides of the record!! Has anybody
>>seen one of these? Are there any die-hard completists out there who
>>actually pay money/trade something for this item?

Another completist! Don't tell me you have the mispressed version of the
Anthology Box Set picture discs (3LPs) too (I don't)... Jill Strobridge
was the first to answer, however...

Miikka, are you by any chance the Hawkwind fanatic I met at a record fair
at Solnahallen, Stockholm, about a year ago? The guy (you?) desperetaly
wanted my copy of HF12 and the vinyl Live at the Queen Elizabeth Hall by


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