Rock Out Censorship
M Holmes
Mon Jan 12 07:33:57 EST 1998
This just came down the libernet pipe:
For Immediate Release:
January 4, 1998
P.O. Box 147 - Jewett, OH 43986-0147
Phone: 740-946-2011 - FAX: 740-946-2011
Email: roc at - Website:
Internet allows R.O.C. to mobilize massive active resistance to stem
the tide of censorship
Since 1989, Rock Out Censorship has been in the forefront of the
fight against music censorship. Now, at the beginning of 1998, the
Ohio-based grassroots organization plans to take that fight to a
higher level with the launching of the "Official Rock Out Censorship
Website" on the World Wide Web. "Since we started our motto has
always been 'Agitate - Educate - Organize' and we intend to take that
message to the millions of music fans on the net," said R.O.C.
co-founder John Woods. R.O.C. webmaster Kenny Moore adds, "It is our
goal to mobilize the entire internet music community into an active
political force that cannot be ignored with the ambition of putting
an end to government censorship and to raise our voices loudly
against corporate censorship."
The site URL is and within it you can find the
latest news from the anti-censorship front. Articles from R.O.C.'s
twenty issues of THE ROC magazine are posted, and a new online
version of the magazine will soon be in the works. Anti-censorship
petitions can be signed online or downloaded. You will also find an
Incident Updates section to keep you posted on the latest activities
of the censors. Also on the site you will be invited to Join the
R.O.C. Army by subscribing to our majordomo mailing list. It is
through this list that we intend to revolutionize the art of activist
protest through massive online communication. Just so you can keep
track of who is friend or foe, the site contains a Know Your Friends
and a Know Your Enemies section. There is also a section where
people can Report Incidents of censorship in their area. It is our
intention to publicize and act upon all incidents reported to our
site and we will be forwarding all valid incidents we receive
throughout the entire anti-censorship network. An extensive Music
Linkbase is added for your entertainment and musical information.
The Music Linkbase contains over 18,000 links to band sites, record
labels, radio stations, magazines, news groups and other music
related sites and is definitely among the most comprehensive music
resources available on the Internet.
All this and much more will soon make the Official Rock Out Censorship
site among the most popular on the internet. For more information
contact John Woods at (740) 946-2011 or Kenny Moore at (407) 855-4529.
To learn more about the history of Rock Out Censorship, visit the
ABOUT ROC section of our website at:
More information about the boc-l
mailing list