BOC: Re: OFF: Lyrical SF

Ted Jackson jr. 6L6 tojackso at LIBRARY.SYR.EDU
Mon Jan 12 09:58:35 EST 1998

> From:          brian halligan <brianh at PULLEYN.COM>
> Yes and no.  A few years back, three "bands"
> composed of BOC-L folks recorded some
> covers for a tape that all the bands got a copy of.
> Fierce Wicker was my band, along with Jason
> Scruton ex. of this list.
> If we have enough musicians (and not even necessarily
> great ones either) on the list who would be interested in
> trying this, it's really a lot of fun.  I know I've been dying
> to cover Name Your Monster for some time now...
> Brian
Do you have access to a studio?  I might be interested in a project
like that if you haven't already got a gtr plyr in mind...


"I told you not to be stupid..."
--Ben S.

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