Lemmy in Esquire

Ola Nyberg ola.nyberg at SYSTEM3R.SE
Tue Jan 13 09:08:30 EST 1998

Andy Gilham wrote:

<I see (from an ad, not the rag itself) that Lemmy is featured in this
<month's _Esquire_ magazine (UK edition).  He's quoted as saying
<are actually a blues band - we just do it very, very fast," (so there's
<likely to be any new content then :)

Hey, there's a lot more content in MH than in most other bands!

What he means is of course that MH are blues-based, as are BOC (very!)
and (yes) HW. Of course, some tracks are bluesier than others, check out
Limb From Limb on Overkill (1979), one of my all-time favourites.
MH are, in my opinion, a blues-based, bass-driven, fast and raunchy heavy
rock band. The song structure is, like 99% of all rock/pop acts, the same
as in the fifties. After all, that's where Lem comes from (Elvis/Little
Richard/Gene Vincent/Chuck Berry).
Lemmy era HW is not that different from MH; Beneath all the keyboards
etc. there's a blues based three-piece heavy rock band.

What's wrong with the blues? In fact, as long as it's based on the blues,
it usually sounds good to me.


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