HW : well HUW / Widowmaker
Steven Davies-Morris
davmor at DELTANET.COM
Wed Jan 21 11:13:24 EST 1998
That's the 2nd Widowmaker album. The first, with the black cat with the
flashing green eyes on the cover had a different lead singer and was much
harder edged. Like a smoother Mott The Hoople. I gave it to a _very_
sexy girl a lifetime ago, because she loved the song *Mean What You Say*,
which had the chorus:
"Do you, do you really, do you really mean what you say?
Can I, can I have some, I will pay you back some day."
Jenny, Jenny...brings back outrageous memories!
Steven Davies-Morris davmor at deltanet.com
-----Original Message-----
From: sprawl <sprawl at BLACKBOARD.COM>
To: Multiple recipients of list BOC-L <BOC-L at LISTSERV.SPC.EDU>
Date: Wednesday, January 21, 1998 7:56 AM
Subject: Re: HW : well HUW / Widowmaker
>i had one of the widowmaker albums. forget the name... ahd the group
sitting on
>the cover against a white bckgrnd. VERY lame album. could not even
>playing. kiddie pop for wayward kids. sold it for a buck....
>pleeeeeeease leave the kids alone...... la. la.
>liking them at the age of 10 does not seem unreasonable. i vaguely
remember liking
>the bay city rollers about that age... =)
>Jon Browne wrote:
>> Has anyone got either of the two Widowmaker albums that Huw did during
>> his 10 year absence? Are they worth tracking down? I have this vague
>> recollection of seeing them on The Old Grey Whistle Test when I was
>> about 10 in '75 (or thereabouts) and thinking they were OK but time
>> wounds all heels. I was reading the HW entry in Adrift In The Ether
>> night. I never knew that **Viv Prince** filled the drum stool on
>> occasion in the early years. Viv is, apart from being the Pretty
>> drummer, a cock-er-nee rock'n'roll semi-crazed legend personal hero of
>> mine. Wow, man, like, Viv Prince. Cited as a role model for Kieth
>> his drumming was "positively revolutionary".
>> --
>> Jon
>> OBCD Pretty Things - Unrepentant (with Viv on the cover, the day after
>> Danish Heavyweight Champion took a violent dislike to the length of
his hair!)
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