Robert Sedler
drtorgo at HOTMAIL.COM
Fri Jan 23 17:01:58 EST 1998
Once upon a time, Adrian Brevard said.....
>Strange idea that could be fun. tBS did a cover of Needle Gun based
>on Rudy's recommendation. What if we provided a list of covers for
>the band to consider?
Well, both myself and a buddy of mine who are big time into the surgeons
have to agree on a song that would be great for the Surgeons to do a
cover of....
Somewhere in the dark and stinky mid-80s, there was a cheesy band by the
name of WIDOW. They were nothing special, or even interesting for that
matter, and their one album I heard pretty much gave me the kind of
pleasure one gets from chewing tinfoil. They were kind of a poor man's
Heart, with a pop-metal sound that went nowhere on a rocket.
But there was one song on the album, as cheesy as it was that we kinda
liked, it was a track called "BITCH". Even though it was a woman doing
the lead vocals, the chorus of the song went "Sometimes I crawl outta
bed and I feel like a son of a *BITCH*", with a heavy snarl of a vocal
on that one word title of the song. The song was kinda funny, kinda
cool, and would absolutely farkin' SMOKE if the surgeons covered it! The
lead was catchy on the original, and with Billy or Pete powering it, it
would just shred, and Deb's voice could really make the snarly attitude
of the vocals come alive!
Is there anyone out there that remembers this tune? It got a bit of play
on MTV back when they played music videos. If you know it, try to
imagine tBS cranking on it, adn I'm sure you will agree with me.
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