BOC: Not Super Hits

Ted Jackson jr. 6L6 tojackso at LIBRARY.SYR.EDU
Thu Jul 2 15:38:27 EDT 1998

> From:          Andy Gilham <Andy.Gilham at BTINTERNET.COM>
> Well, it's a tricky one - one of the best things about BOC for a long time
> was the consistent quality of songwriting and lack of duff tracks.  But I
> can still find these clunkers:
> Let Go - feeble or what
> Feel the Thunder - cliche'd, pointless

Have to agree about the lyrics, but there's some great gtr fills
during the verses.  This tune is kind of a sister tune to Wings of
Mercury--amazing that one was left off CN considering the dreck that
made it...I guess Feel the Thunder works for me 'cause it's close
enough to Golden Age--too bad they dropped that from the set--they
were doing it last year for awhile...

> Eyes on Fire - I have no sympathy for the wimpy character! What a drip!

Really!  And sung by badass EB no less!

> I Am the Storm - ruins the mood after "The Vigil".  My LP is scratched from
> rushing to pull the needle away in time.

Howls!  But again BD's playing bails it out somewhat...

> Dr Music - sounds way too much like "YMCA".  My jaw dropped to the floor
> first time I spun the LP.
Howls again!  And to think that BOC actually used it for an opener
for a while rather than the hallowed STtS.  That made me hate it all
the more, as Stairway is one of my faves...

> And "Veins" was my favourite from _The Revolution by Night_.  But by then
> BOC was losing the plot, or maybe I was...
> - Andy
I like that one too, also Take Me Away and Shadow of Calif...


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