OFF: Swedish help

Dan Lindfors lindfors at ALGONET.SE
Wed Jul 8 13:58:00 EDT 1998

At 20:12 1998-07-06 +0000, you wrote:
>On mån 6 jul 1998 13.14 +0200 "Dan Lindfors" <lindfors at ALGONET.SE> wrote:
>> Yes, to call someone worthy a "king" (kung) is in fact probably the
>> to "rules" in swedish.
>     Ah--can this kind of usage of "kung" be applied across sexes?
>(to women also?)  To say, for example, "Deb Frost rules!" in Swedish
>would one say "Deb Frost är kung!" or "Deb Frost är drottning!"? :)

Well, I'm not sure if I've ever heard the expression used for a woman.
"Rules" is of course genderneutral. But if would use the expression I
surely would use "KUNG". So, alltså: 'Deb Frost är "kung" på scenen'! .

>> And a artist or athletic honored with that "title"
>> - to be "kung" - could in fact (2) a that moment have at least as much
>> power as the swedish kung...
>>     Even so, if there is ever an opening, do let them know I
>volunteer ;)  Heck, I can't be a much worse choice than a French
>officer and it must be a more comfortable life than graduate
>student :)
Of  course, the first step you can do is to look up our Princess Victoria
who studies somewhere in the States. She is 21, pretty and will be Queen of
Sweden the day Kung Carl Gustaf dies... (You have a suitable name, Carl)
Think about it!

Hälsningar från Dan (Have you read Röde Orm yet?)

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