OFF: Pink Fairies 70/71

M S Wright M.S.Wright at READING.AC.UK
Wed Jul 15 07:18:10 EDT 1998

As reviewed in this month's Q:

Pink Fairies, mandies and mescaline round at Uncle Harry's

lucille: Paul Rudolph, Duncan Sanderson, Russel Hunter, Twink
   top gear 28/11/70
the snake: PR, DS, RH, T top gear 28/11/70 recorded at Maida Vale
johnny b. goode: PR, DS, RH, Trevor Burton Guitar (from the Move)
   in concert 4/11/71 (starts with radio 1 jingle and John Peel)
uncle 'henry's' last freakout (as above)
do it!: PR, DS, RH, T recorded at Glastonbury Fayre 24/6/71
uncle harry's last freakout (as above)

the glastonbury recordings are a little rough (in an analogue sense,
rather than in the playing, cos that goes without saying for live fairies)

It is quite a nice package, with a short interview with RH, a quote from
Twink and a couple of BW photos. If you like the PF then you'll like this
I reckon. It is released through New Millenium Communications (copyright
1997 for some reason) PILOT 31 (and as the re-release of the Deviants
Disposable is PILOT 32 which was out ages ago I guess it was released in
97 but it has only just made itself known to Q. I picked it up in the
Virgin Megastore at Tottenham Court Road).

Mike w

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