MotorHead & Legendary Pink Dots Reccommendations please

Keith Henderson henderson.120 at OSU.EDU
Mon Jul 20 13:55:10 EDT 1998

Nick suggests...

>> Motorhead I've maybe-if I remember right-heard at a party years ago-can
>> someone refresh my memory as to their sound?  And possibly a disc to
>> start with?
>I would easily recommend Motorhead's latest, "Snakebite Love". It's
>the perfect mix of old-school, rip-and-tear Motormusic and slick,
>"you-mean-I've-got-a-budget-this-time" experimentation that's made
>their 90s albums so unique.
>Motorhead are quite an acquired taste...but taste varies so widely on
>this list that I doubt anyone here couldn't handle it. As a longtime
>fan and total convert to Lemmy's Electric Church, even I have to
>admit it took repeated listens before I could get into this band.

Yeah, I think this is true for just about everyone.  I was 17 in 1981, and
having just spent the prior few months listening constantly to Space Ritual,
I saw the brand new 'No Sleep till Hammersmith' appear on the local record
store shelves.  Well, it's Lemmy eh?, it's got to be good.  I was only
halfway through Ace of Spades when I had realized my mistake.  :)  So it was
literally years before I realized what a classic album this is!

I'd say my favourites are:

No Sleep 'till Hammersmith
Another Perfect Day (as 'Levitation' is to Hawkwind, 'APD' is to Motorhead)

The only ones I really don't care for that much are...
March or Die
Rock 'n' Roll
Iron Fist

>But I'm a total believer. I don't care what anybody says...Lemmy is THE
>most underappreciated rock lyricist of all time.

Absolutely...I mean, who else could come up with something as poignant as
'We're moving like a parallelogram'?  :)  And then try to rhyme 'fun' with

When it comes to MH live...look out!  Over the seven or eight times I've
seen them, they've gone from tolerably loud to unbelievably frightening
loud.  Usually, the more tolerable volume shows are the ones where they
played support, like for Slayer, Black Sabbath or Judas Priest (on that
five-band megatour six years ago or so).  When headlining, they can be
simply exhausting!!  Usually, they only play 75-80 minutes at most
regardless, and that's enough!  I don't think I could take much more, and
anyway, it's really 120 minutes worth of music, simply played at 150% of the
normal pace, so you're not really being cheated.  :)

Have fun...Keith

P.S.  Based on what you previously said about LPD, I picked up a used CD
copy of 'The Maria Dimension' (or something like that)'s pretty decent.

ObCD:  SubArachnoid Space - Endless Renovation

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