HW: MP3s of _Kings of Speed, Lords of Light_ bootleg CD

Andreas Andreas.Stuewe at T-ONLINE.DE
Sat Jul 25 06:56:25 EDT 1998

Pospiech, Bernhard schrieb:
> Hello
>>Does anyone know for sure where this gig is from?  The back of the CD
>>says Detroit, USA, but I dimly recall someone on here saying it's from
>>Bochum, Germany.  Can anyone supply the date and venue?
> This gig was for sure recorded in Bochum, Germany. The hall is called
> "Zeche". The date is: 08.Oct.1991
> The tape was recorded by a friend of mine (hi Andreas!).  I was also there.
> You can hear me whisteling loud at the end of the gig.
> I do not know who made this boot, but I suppose it was a guy from the
> southern part of Germany
> Bernhard

The gig was recorded by me and Rainer Wangler. We taped a lot of gigs then and
swapped the tapes afterwards to see which recording was better. But the CD
contains exactly the version I have on tape, though the CD version must have been
polished up a bit soundwise because there is less tape hissing on it.
Brian Tawn thinks that this CD was released by the band themselves like they did
with the vinyl version of Undisclosed files, which was done because they can get
more money from a bootleg release than to put it out officially.
Anyway, I paid 40 Deutschmarks for a CD that I recorded !


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