OFF: Better popular bands??)

BREVARD, Adrian R. abrevard at SHL.COM
Fri Jul 31 10:53:41 EDT 1998

>When mentioning power trios of the 90s, how could I have
failed to mention with the highest possible praise the mighty,
the sublime, the ineffable Kingston Wall?!


Okay, okay.  Everbody got their favorite three piece.  My vote King's X.
 They don't really embark on the extensive jams like the Mule (though
they have done so at some shows) and they are not really heavy metal
pounders like Motorhead (they do have metal in their blood Visions,
Moanjam, Lookin' For Love).

For musicality though, they can't be touched.

>Uh... that's Bruce Dickenson of Chrysalis Records fame or non-fame is more
like it.  {Snip} BD of Iron Maiden would do a better job I'm sure.

Thanks for clearing that up Al, 'preciate it.  BTW their loss,
obviously.  No wonder the general public has to put up with such lame
music these days.

Ghost in the Ruins

"Remember amigos, PBS sucks becuase its free!" - Johnny Bluejeans

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