OFF: Acrimony, Cambridge, 10 June

Carl Edlund Anderson cea20 at CUS.CAM.AC.UK
Thu Jun 4 11:16:33 EDT 1998

     Acrimony will be playing The Cellar Bar, Napier Street,
Cambridge UK on Wednesday, 10 June.  Doors open at 7 (gig probably
ends around midnight).  Entry is 3 quid (well, 2 if you're a member
of the Cambridge Rock Society ...)

     Anyone one on the list who wants to come along, I can provide
some crash space.  I've also just foolishly volunteered crash space
to Acrimony after the gig, and that should be ... interesting.

     During the set change between the last support band and
Acrimony I'll be in charge of incidental music, spinning some
Hawkwind and other space-rock, stoner-rock stuff.

     Should be a blast!

     Official announcement follows:


Rocksoc May Brawl
Wed. Jun 10th.
The Cellar Bar, Napier Street, Cambridge
3 quid non-members, 2 quid members. And no, you don't have to be a student
to get in!

The Bands:

   "Tumuli Shroomaroom is a huge collection of high times, low
   frequencies and blissful bludgeon" ( KERRANG! - 5K's !!) Acrimony
   were nominated for BEST NEW BAND at last years Kerrang Awards.

We're proud to present the Swansea-based stoners in this one-off
gig before they go to record their third full-length slab of shamanic
mushroom metal for Peaceville.  Their previous album - "Tumuli
Shroomaroom" - received full-marks reviews in a number of magazines with
its unique blend of heavy grooves and spaced-out trippiness.  And they're
even better live!

"London's heaviest metal band," Epitome's self-financed debut album
"Lifeless Life" earned a positive three-K review in Kerrang! last week.
Thundering extreme metal played with control and finesse!

Rome Burns
Enthusiastic goth-rock band from Cambridge, renowned for their catchy
tunes and often sarcastic lyrics.  Presently being chased by at least
one record company, catch them now while they're still free!

Carl Edlund Anderson
Dept. of Anglo-Saxon, Norse, & Celtic
St. John's College, University of Cambridge
mailto:cea20 at

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