BOC: "No-Zilla"

Andy Gilham Andy.Gilham at BTINTERNET.COM
Tue Jun 9 20:01:58 EDT 1998

> > > 'The Man Who Folded Himself' was pretty clever from what I recall
> >
> > Otherwise known as "The Man Who Fondled Himself".
> >
> > :)
> So long as it isn't 'the man who fouled himself...'
> theo

No, really, what happens (as I recall) is this guy goes back and forth in
time and has lots of sex with himself.  Some of his alternate selves are
female.  Gerrold's other claim to fame is writing the "tribbles" episode for
Star Trek.  Dave Brock would seem to be a bit of a trekkie, he said,
clutching for on-topicness, with all those samples of Mr Data, the lettering
on _Strange Trips_, the references to the "Grand Nagus" on the HW Mission
Control site, etc etc...  hey, maybe we should get him to play at a Trek
convention!  Is that the time?

- Andy

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