Tape Trade Review

Rich Lockwood rich-l at GEOCITIES.COM
Thu Jun 11 05:09:16 EDT 1998

Doug Pearson wrote:

> I got a pretty cool tape from Alun Hughes, and although he hasn't sent
> me
> all the artists' names yet (I asked him not to), I thought I'd post a
> review based on what I've heard so far ...
> "Descent Into The Maelstrom" - Radio Birdman
> "Day To Ride" - New Christs
> "Sputnik" - Roky Erickson

Hey - is Alun a personal friend of Mr Gilham?  :-)

> There you go - sorry this was so long, but I hope that it will
> encourage
> others to do the same for the tapes they received!  So Andy - when do
> we
> receive our instructions for the next person to send the tapes to?
>         -Doug
>          ceres at sirius.com

Is this the idea?  Or do we pass it on to whoever we think might like
it?  (I'm copying mine first,
before I go out and try to find a load of RB and New Cs stuff down Gumbi
(Whitechapel, Tel 0171 247 5757 quick plug, ask for Tog or Alec and say
I sent you...)

I'll try and make Sunday, although I'm expecting to be extremely shagged
out...  :-)



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