OFF: Masters of Reality?

Andy Gilham Andy.Gilham at BTINTERNET.COM
Fri Jun 12 05:32:34 EDT 1998

I just rang the LA2 box office, apparently it was in doubt at one stage but
is now definitely ON.

That it was in doubt at all suggests it might be worth another call before
setting off from long distance, though.  If anyone's still worried, the
number if 0171 434 0403.

- Andy

mailto:Andy.Gilham at;

> -----Original Message-----
> From: BOC/Hawkwind Discussion List [mailto:BOC-L at LISTSERV.SPC.EDU]On
> Behalf Of Carl Edlund Anderson
> Sent: 11 June 1998 18:53
> To: Multiple recipients of list BOC-L
> Subject: OFF: Master of Reality?
>      Er, I keep hearing conflicting reports about whether the London
> gig is on or not.  Has anyone else heard anything, or know more?
> Cheers,
> Carl
> --
> Carl Edlund Anderson
> Dept. of Anglo-Saxon, Norse, & Celtic
> St. John's College, University of Cambridge
> mailto:cea20 at

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