OFF: Too much beer

Kevin Sommers novadrive at PANGEATECH.COM
Sat Jun 20 05:12:37 EDT 1998

If any of you  should find yourself in a situation of driving after TOO MUCH
BEER (or  whatever),  here's some stuff:
FIRST OFF: don't do it.
OK, that's simple.

DISCLAIMER :All of this is based on the laws of the State of Arizona.  I
don't know if it's worth a shit for anyone else,  but if it is,  well then:
Here it is.

Most states have an  "implied  consent" law.  That means, if you don't agree
to a "Breathalyzer" (or whatever) test, you're automatically guilty.   BUT:
You don't have to consent to  any roadside tests, or answer any questions.

RULE #1:  Be courteous and polite to the Law Enforcement Officer (LEO).
He's just doing his job.  And it can only help you in the end.

If the LEO asks you to  take any roadside tests, politely (see Rule #1)
refuse.  If he asks where you have been (or how much you've had to drink
etc.), refuse to  answer.  See Rule #1.  All of this is just building a case
against you, to be used later (in court).  His report will show only so much
(by law), and whatever you refuse to  disclose won't be on it;  this is what
the judge will see.

Be polite, but don't fuck yourself.

Kevin Sommers

Primiti too taa, nnz kkr muu

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