BREVARD, Adrian R. abrevard at SHL.COM
Wed Mar 11 08:34:24 EST 1998

Just visisted the CMC site and I gotta tell you I wanted to fletch when
I saw the cover artwork.  That is so "NOT -BOC" I want to scream.  Hey
I'm happy its going to be on the shelves and CMC seems to be putting
their heart into making it a sucess.....but that art work
hell I don't have the words...

Hey John, don't know about Boston area but stores like Best Buy and the
like are pretty flaky putting stuff on the shel;ves.  The Towers I
visist most often hit about 98% of the new releases on the exact date.
Best Buy is abysmal, there can be a delay of up to one week (King's X
Ear Candy comes to mind).  Pretty sure they will get HB out there on the
same day though as they tend to carry a lot of CMC discs.

Wel 13 days and counting...

Theo, you need a refill on your prescription, saw the "R" thing starting

Alex, E-mail me your resume if you have any technical apptitude or can
convert to technical writing.  One of our main recruiters is housed here
with me and she has access to national job openings.  Offices across
every corner of the US and Canada.  If you have a preference let me know
that as well.  I may also have an opening or two on my staff in the next
six months or so but you need to be able to negotiate large IT deals to
work for me.


Ghost In The Ruins

OBCD - Child of the Novelty, Frank Marino and MH

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