Hawkwind/Babylon 5 link

Jon Browne jon at COMICS.DEMON.CO.UK
Wed Mar 18 04:54:51 EST 1998

In article <199803180935.JAA18853 at abel.ed.harlequin.co.uk>, Dave Berry
<daveb at HARLEQUIN.CO.UK> writes
>Maybe s/he's a fan who thought other HW fans would think it cool to
>see the HW logo there.

It's possible but betcha it's a swipe.

Sorry to be so cynical, but every other day some "ad" person or graphic
"designer" comes into my (comics & sci-fi) shop looking for the "right"
robot or spaceship for some project they're getting $50,000 for. They'll
spend two hours going through the entire stock, monopoloise my time
saying "that's not it" repeatedly, eventually spend 50c, then procede to
copy the picture outright. It doesn't occur to them they are stealing
another artists work.

They call it "reference material".

but yes of course it's true, it could be a fan.

The Verve obviously are!

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