HW: Two questions

BOC/Hawkwind List boc-l at AMERCYB.COM
Thu Mar 19 11:15:21 EST 1998

Don't have an answer for 2, but on the first count:

1. My Generation Records in Rocky River (west side)
   Timetraveller CD's in Cuyahoga Falls (Akron)
        both usually have good collections of HW stuff
2. ?


On Thu, 19 Mar 1998, Frank Weil wrote:

> I have two Hawkwind-related questions that I am passing along from
> others:
> 1) Can anyone recommend a good CD or record store in Cleveland for
>    Hawkwind merchandise?
> 2) For the video of Hawkwind at the Gaumont Theatre in Southampton on
>    October 25, 1981, can anyone give me any release information?  That
>    is, who released it, when, and does it have some other title?
> Thanks much for the info!
> Frank
> --
> ===============================================================================
> Frank Weil | frankw at comm.mot.com | phone: (847) 576-3110 | fax: (847) 576-3240
> Excess on occasion is exhilarating because it prevents moderation from
> acquiring the deadening effect of a habit.      -- W. Somerset Maugham

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