SV: HW: Quashing the rumour mill

Henrik Hallgren henrik at SUNDSVALL.MAIL.TELIA.COM
Sat Mar 21 07:58:21 EST 1998

Hi folks.


Not that there has been *that* many rumours floating around, I thought that
as I just spoke to "the" Dave on the phone I'd fill in the folk on the list
where I can.

It's true that the EBS *catalogue* is being sold. But this is not a case of
DS stepping out of the picture, but rather a calculated manouver which will
hopefully result in more exposure for the band. I'd rather not go into too
many details, but suffice to say that there is nothing to panic about, and
the end result *should* be more re-releases of now hard to get stuff, some
long touted collaborations with ex-Hawks, and possibly even a *real* video
clip (potentially mixed by Youth of Killing Joke fame .... but that's only a
slight possibility at this stage), and maybe a new album (with special
guests ...).

Wouldn´t surprise me at all if they turn up on the EMI label where it all started (well, almost)!

There is no news from the HW camp regarding new tour details as they are
basically waiting for the current deals being worked on to come through
first, but it is likely that around Strange Daze 98 there may be additional
US shows (another mini Tour??) and hopefully the Aussie tour will *finally*

I'll be getting in touch with Dave again after my next trip to Taiwan is over
(mid April), so hopefully I can fill people in a bit more then.

As an aside, Ed Clark from the US (who, if you read HawkZine #48 or were
there would know has the honour of being the person who travelled the most
distance to be at the German HawkOn last June in Hamburg) sent me some
photo's from the event - they are up on the OzHawks website at:

Thanks Ed!

Yours in Space,

Paul Ward        aka: Assassin Sonique'   .---.  __  .--------   Long       /     \( o`-,  -----   may
sonique at             ////    '~ (    ---   they
UIN #3480060 on ICQ                    /////// :    ; ---   Fly!

All the best



Henrik Hallgren, Stapelvägen 5, 856 34 Sundsvall, Sweden

Email: henrik at or hawkwind at

Peace of mind records website:

Fax +46 (0)70 6101310  / Phone +46 (0)70 6743729 or +46 (0)60 173716

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