OFF: Stop Laughing - Now

J Strobridge eset08 at HOLYROOD.ED.AC.UK
Mon Mar 23 10:01:00 EST 1998

Jon Browne writes:

> In article <199803211908.UAA18027 at>, reset <mumford at ONLINE.NO>
> writes
> >The biggest loada shit I heard sice god knows when!!! Listen: IT
> >                S * U * C * K * E * D !!!
> I was joking, man.

Be it decreed from henceforth that THERE SHALL BE NO MORE JOKING.
Neither shall there be Cynicism nor Satire nor shall there be any
laughter nor humour.   For the millenium cometh, when the Old Order
Changeth - the clocks are run down and time will expire as the Great 9
which curls in upon Itself unwinds to consume its own Tail into an
endless 0 and the Great Joker in the Sky will stretch his mouth into
laughter and be consumed by it.    And in preparation for that day
from henceforth all jest will be taken seriously, all serious comment
will be taken as criticism and all who criticise will be condemned to
sit in a room and listen to Leonard Cohen forever or until they feel
better.  So there.

Oh and anyone who even admits to watching the Highlander TV series will
be given immediate counselling and brain reconditioning therapy.

This is not a joke.


obNeedingaHawkwindGig>being reduced to watching MenZone on Sunday
mornings just to see snippets of Old Grey Whistle Test reruns -
sad... 8-(

J.D.Strobridge at                         eset08 at
                                                ELIJSA at

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