BOC: Loving my HF in some strange ways

BREVARD, Adrian R. abrevard at SHL.COM
Wed Mar 25 09:45:50 EST 1998

Songs -

SYIB, rocks and was an excellent choice as a single.  That odd beat is
so kewl.  This would make a great cover for groups like the Galactic
Cowboys of Sevendust.  BOC is showing the new crowd how to do this

HM, PUD, Live For Me et al, most of these fit into the category of
classic BOC song signatures and I like them all well enough however...

...all the songs that float my boat are the ones that don't sound much
like BOC.  Damaged is great and Real World has it going on.  Man I
freakin' love these two tunes the most (thus far).

Buck -

Once, I sent the late Rudy some BOC for a sampling and while he liked it
he could not fathom the fascination with Buck's guitar playing.  He felt
Buck was too restrained.  I always thought Buck played with passion and
beauty and shredded only when he wanted too.  Well maybe RR and I
crossed wires on this but on HF Buck seems to be having a lot of fun
with the guitar, like what the hell let it out, this is so much fun.
Damaged and SYIB really have this feel to it.

Danny -

Oh Danny boy your playing on this album is just sooooo phat.  Damn I'm
glad Danny has stayed with BOC, he really does some nice work.  Great
sound to his bass.

Cover Art -

Well the secret is probably out but if your still looking for the symbol
its in the good eye of the ugly guy.  I hear what Torgo is saying about
the outer and inner art work (Flaming Telepaths) but the cover remains
the only real fault I can find with this album.  Its just sucks and does
no justice to this fine band.  Looking through the CMC page why couldn't
they give this one the look and feel they proivided Overkill?  This ugly
shot falls more in the Judas Priest, Saxxon motif.  OK CMC lets reissue
with an alternate cover, use the inside with some extra's; put the
figure of a bodacious babe in the center with two large cats eyes on
either side and call it SYIB, anything but this ugly guy please!

In Thee -

I think this was a good add as the concert version is really good.  This
sounds crystal clear which makes me wonder if this thing didn't get
heavy re-mixing in the studio somehwere.  I mean some of the places BOC
has played, the accoustics just aren't that great.  Oh well I tap my
foot and sing along when I hear it.

Millwood - I'm clueless on the TL stuff.  This has to be a club
somehwere or a big joke by the band.  Not important either way.

Anybody got an accurate lead on the total time?  My player at work says
44:57.  Someone else told me there's says 45:05.
Either case I think its kewl that they put a vinyl album on cd and
resisted the tempation to stretch the songs or add fillers to 60-70

Ghost in the Ruins

Who remains Damaged and liking it.

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