OFF: Ritchie Blackmore Question

Andrew A. Apold mordru at MAGG.NET
Wed Mar 25 16:15:42 EST 1998

>Anybody know anything about RB's new solo?  Love it or shove it? I know
>I like RB's cover art better than HF's, Yowza on the back!

You mean Blackmore's Night?

I like it, a lot.  But I like that kind of stuff.  It fills
a different niche for me than say BOC or the stuff RB used to

Don't get it expecting DP or Rainbow.  It's basically a rather
good renaissance fair type of album.   I have been known to
hang out in ren faires quite a bit (I generally consider them
overpriced and stick to SCA/Amtgard or other reenactment club
type events) and in these settings I've tossed it on quite a bit,
and most people there wouldn't know it was RB unless you tell them.

And yeah, I like the cover artwork on it a lot, it's what first
caught my eye as I was walking out of a music store...

OBCD: Interstate '76 cdrom game's music tracks

Andrew A. Apold (mordru at, aka  | Tension
Roger Shrubstaff,                       |  Apprehension
Duchy of Silverwater (BL), Amtgard      |    and Dissention
aka Asgrim Dragon -=UDIC=-              |     have begun.
+--------B-L-U-E--Ö-Y-S-T-E-R--C-U-L-T--+    -Alfred Bester
 "I was corrupt before I had power!" - Random

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