OFF:Ted's Tape Questions
BREVARD, Adrian R.
abrevard at SHL.COM
Fri May 1 10:30:37 EDT 1998
Ted>ok, don't shoot me... but when I heard SK a while back they just
sounded like another one of those generic rock bands.....y'know, Anchovy
Wanker, that type of stuff.....
Sounds like SK or the Lizard. Water was a lot different but it
certainly could not have been Devil in the Details, its all different on
that one. Definitely their best album, I think you'd like this one.
>well, haven't heard any of it, but I do know that AO have in fact released
that other album....the KX newsgroup was talking about it a while
back...I guess Jerry did some drums on it
They defintiely have a new album but again there has been some lineup
changes and they are no longer with Sam Taylor. No idea what they sound
>Rare Queensryche and Y&T appeals greatly. Yum yum.
>Accoustic Shot of Love, I think I have a demo of that on tape. >Nothing on
cd. In fact I have about 6-8 KX shows, a copy of Ride the
>I have "Building Blox" with the acoustic SOL on it....but I don't have any
bootlegs.... we'll have to talk about that... the best I could do (if I
could find any of my old tapes) was that I once taped a KBFH from
around the FHL era....
Definitely will get you a listing of what I have. One of the tapes even
has some of the early Ear Candy demo's/outtakes. I have never seen a
copy of Building Blox. For a band thats toured as much as they did
early on in their careers there sure isn't a whole lot of boot cd's
avaialable. Ride the Wind is the only one I'm aware of and I think its
source was a radio broadcast.
>NSP - No but I have the Metal Blade release of Moonflower Lane. Great stuff
but you expect that from Ty. Now waiting for Doug's solo.
>other than the real drums, I think some of the recordings on NSP are better
than ML.....
Thats the general consensus even though ML is great. There are only six
or so of the original NSP songs on ML right? I know not everything from
NSP is on ML which is why I want NSP too. When I was in Dallas in
February, I spent an entire afternonn trying to get a copy. NSP was
sold out everywhere I went.
>Endangered Speices, alas I have not yet seen this for a price I am >willing
to pay. I got Musically Incorrect as an import as is most of myY&T
collection (imports that is). I've probably spent more on their
>cd's than any other band. When I can get a local copy of ES I'll jump
>on it.
>ES is good.... I only have about 4 on CD the rest of mine are the original
vinyl...including the 1st Yesterday and Today
Relatively speaking is ES as good as MI? MI rules and if ES is in the
same vien I definitely want a copy. BTW do you know that Dave M has a
solo album called "On the Blue Side". Japan only import where Dave is
wailing the blues. Dream Disc has it for $28.
>Rare BOC on vinyl? Do you have a rough idea of the value ($)?
>never really kept up on prices.....
I'd check you may be filthy rich and not be aware of it. 'Course money
probably isn't enough for rare vinyl BOC. 8>).
Tapes almost done but before I send I'll list the KX stuff I have in
case you want some copies.
Ghost in the Ruins
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