HW: What now?

Dave Berry daveb at HARLEQUIN.CO.UK
Mon May 11 07:14:08 EDT 1998

At 13:04 11/05/98 +0200, Scott Heller wrote:
>        I was just thinking about Distant Horizons, the latest HW studio
>lp, and someone told me that it only sold like 2-3000 copies worldwide...
>Is there really only this small of a market for HW? What the hell can the
>band do to increase their sales

Wow, that's disappointing.  I don't know what more they can do.

>Or, do we just have to accept that Dave is reaching the mid-50's and
>now wants to enjoy is life on the farm not really rock out anymore....

I'm not sure this is related - Dave seems to have been really busy trying
to promote HW.  He worked on the remasters, on the record label, on new
music, on the extensive tour last year, on various festivals etc., and
trying to organise a tour to Oz.


Harlequin Ltd., Lismore House, 127 George St, Edinburgh, EH2 4JN, UK.
Tel: +44 131 240 6106.

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