OFF:Scientology! (Re: HW: What now?)

Troy Harris fiskare at WEBCONCEPT.COM.AU
Tue May 12 23:11:54 EDT 1998

At 21:10 12/05/98 +0200, Christian000Mumford wrote:
>> Watch out for those guys! They're sinister.
>All the more reason to f**k with those robot psychos. I saw something about
>how they drove CAN (Cult Awareness Network) bankrupt because they were
>spreading information against the Scientologists, bought them up, and now
>if you call CAN up cause you desperately need help, being in massive debt
>to the Scientologists... then well, good luck, cause you are talking to
>them!!! :)

Let´s not forget that these nuts called themsleves a "church" in 1976 (here
in Australia), in order to get in on tax shelters.  I was under the idea
that they have not received church status in many countries.
  That same year , the Government of Victoria commissioned a report to
discover why so many patients in mental institutions were Scientologists .
It was called "The Anderson Report".  It concluded that the practices of
Scientology led to many cases of schizophrenia and certainly multiple
personality disorder.
They are dangerous and their psychology is shoddy.
  As for Cult Awareness Network, they are still going.  But, in most
countries they are led by poorly trained and equipped people.  As a matter
of fact, I asked the leader of CAN here in Australia to define for me what a
cult actually is.  To this day I received no answer.  It seems that so many
people involved in this are ex-members of pseudo-Christian cults, such as
JW's and Mormons and the like, and that they themselves still need help
themselves.  Some of them define cults as "controlling groups or leaders",
and others, sadly, as "anyone who disagrees with me and is committed to
thier beliefs".


        Troy Harris

        fiskare at

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