OFF: SNL/Godzilla soundtrack

Wed May 13 01:08:49 EDT 1998

On Sun, 10 May 1998 00:47:30 -0400 Paul Mather wrote:
>I caught the appearance of Puff Daddy and Jimmy Page
>tonight on SNL.
>Seems the Puff Daddy contribution to the _Godzilla_ film
>soundtrack is a re-working of Led Zeppelin's "Kashmir."
>It sounded suitably intense on SNL, and I could well
>imagine the big guy striding about to its propulsive

As an individual with an admitted bias against rap, I must
interject my loathing for this particular reworking of
"Kashmir".  No, I'm not shouting 'blasphemy' because someone
ruined a classic Zep song or anything like that, it's
something much more annoying.

It really irks me that someone - *anyone* - can interject so
many "Yeah"s and "Uh-huh"s into a song and still think he's
so cool.  It was unnecessarily foolish.


"Uh-huh. ... Yeah. ... Uh-huh. ... Yeah. ... Uh-huh. ...
Yeah. ... Uh-huh. ... Yeah. ... Check dis out!" - Puff Daddy

"Dammit!  I forgot the freakin' lyrics again." - Puff Daddy
to self, while reciting his mantra, which is supposedly to
be kept a secret, though the whole nation knows it by now

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