OFF: Movies
Keith Henderson
henderson.120 at OSU.EDU
Thu May 14 16:16:43 EDT 1998
Chr. speaks...
>Heck when I was young I hated Brazil, movie made no sense to me at all.
Seeing it >now puts it in my hall of fame. Sigh when your young, dumb and
have no future its >amazing what your taste buds will discern. Uh I'm
talking about my self here OK?
'Brazil' is the only (fictional) movie I've ever seen that constitutes a
truly worthwhile experience, that is, above and beyond simple diversionary
entertainment. Well, 2001 comes close, and maybe the Wall, despite it's
faults. Of course, I don't go to a whole lot of movies (nor do I rent
them), for the very reason that nearly all of them are immediately
forgettable. So in the last year, I've only seen 'In and Out' (good fun!),
'Contact' (ok, but a lot of stupid characters), 'Men in Black' (dull), and
the James Bond flick (ok, but diversionary only). Oh, and I saw 'The Fifth
Element' on video, which was completely awful. And I also saw Blade Runner
for the first time, and I don't understand what's the big deal about
it...pretty ordinary stuff IMHO - no better than Total Recall.
On the subject of Gilliam, I also quite liked 12 Monkeys, which I actually
went and saw twice! Unprecedented for me. And the 'FAA' in my sig is
derived from that movie. I see he's got 'Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas'
coming out soon. What's it like??
Keith H. (FAA)
ObHWmovie: I've seen 'The Final Programme' but never managed to find HW in
the background. Where is it??
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