HW: Appearance at Open Air Festival cancelled ===
mumford at ONLINE.NO
Fri May 15 11:24:13 EDT 1998
Hell, this is actually evolving into an interesting idea fast! But, is it
the sad future of geezer rock 'n roll bands, that hardcore cult
following/fans will have to keep the bands going with a sort of "charity
organization" of events and releases??
> My SO and a bunch of her friends once hired a castle for a weekend.
> Apparently for some of them, it's not as expensive as you'd imagine.
> It'd make an ideal Hawkwind gig and accomodation problems would be
> solved. It'd be kinda neat to see the Black Sword and Warrior stuff
> played from the battlements of a real castle. Maybe finding one
> accessible from London would be worth investigating. Jill, do you know
> anything that would help here?
> Hell, if the 1999 Party is really going to happen, then someone who
> *can* organise it probably should. I figure the folks on this list have
> a better record that Hawkwind management.
"Where's the medicine!?"
- H. Leroy Newton
- Robert Crumb
> Mike "If we book the castle They will come..." Holmes
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