OFF: Tape swap

Andrew A. Apold mordru at GEKKO.NET
Fri May 15 13:30:00 EDT 1998

>OK, I figure if you're at all motivated to do this you've probably done your
>tape by now!
>So, I'll give laggards another few days, and then get down to the business
>of putting names in virtual hats.
>When you've done your tape, send me your name and postal address (private
>e-mail please!).  (Some folks already sent them, but can you all confirm
>you've done your tape!)

Andrew Apold
4580 Amherst Circle #82
West Palm Beach, FL 33417

Andrew A. Apold (mordru at, aka | Tension
Roger Shrubstaff, Guildmaster of Reeves |  Apprehension
Duchy of Silverwater (BL), Amtgard      |    and Dissention
aka Asgrim Dragon -=UDIC=-              |     have begun.
+--------B-L-U-E--Ö-Y-S-T-E-R--C-U-L-T--+    -Alfred Bester
 "I was corrupt before I had power!" - Random

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