OFF: Dark Star

Stuart Hamilton xzx28 at DIAL.PIPEX.COM
Sun May 17 19:15:37 EDT 1998

Well I can't be sure of dates (the 70's & 80's have a tendency to
blur) but it was between 79 and 81, and I stand by my garbage comment.
I thought Blade Runner was stylistically very good, but let down by
poor casting (and yes I saw it when it was new).

BOC in particular have been influenced by film, so it seems a fair enough

And I still say that a small clique of influential people watching
films made by their friends and puffing them up in the media has
created a layer of people too scared to speak out against some unwatcheable
bilge.  Thi is true of all methods of artistic expression.

I will demur from my usual anti-elitism rant, as it's Sunday and the sun is shining.


I wrote
> > It was the single biggest pile of garbage I had ever seen in my life.

Andy Gilham wrote>
> Like _Blade Runner_, you had to have seen it when it was new.  It was so
> original amd influential it's unbelievable.  But now it's been
> done 100 times, and 100 times better, it looks like crap.  And if someone
> made an identical film now, it *would* be crap.
> Is this *really* a film list now? :)

> mailto:Andy.Gilham at;

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