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Christian000Mumford mumford at ONLINE.NO
Fri May 22 13:25:15 EDT 1998

> We all are. In every cynic beats the heart of a failed romantic.
> It is genuine. And they've only had 115,000 hits too.
> there's nothing there you haven't read already.
> Go on, be a devil, just this once.
> poor little mite.
> --
> Jon

Words of the wise, its a sweet little page.

failed romantic,

"Who am I? Where am I going? With no time to spare
 as a man rowing upon a shoreless lake. Never slowing
 the pace, but never spying land. I am as most people,
 I suppose - lost, not knowing why."
   - David McCallum

"No, I am a bowl of soup."
   - Edmund Blackadder

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