Bootleg CD removal from Codex proposed

J Strobridge eset08 at HOLYROOD.ED.AC.UK
Thu Nov 5 06:24:54 EST 1998

M Holmes writes:

> Kevin Sommers writes:
> > >Damnation Alley should definitely be out!
> > >I'm not convinced that Theta Orionis should stay in either.   I agree
> > >that this is about the only one I've ever seen available at record fairs
> > >but surely it is in exactly the same category as all the other bootlegs
> > >and giving this credence in the Codex simply by sure wieght of numbers
> > >when we are excluding others of identical type doesn't really seem to
> > >justfy its inclusion.    I vote against it - if only on grounds of
> > >consistency.
> > >jill
> > My thinking on 'Theta Orionis' is that it's a "proper" CD, as opposed to a
> > CD-R; I think that's where the line should be drawn.
> There's no easy way to draw the line. To be as ruthlessly consistent as
> Jill alludes to would require that Live at St.Albans, Rock City,
> Orgasmatron, and Dawn of Hawkwind would have to go out with Theta
> Orionis.

In fact, yes, this is precisely what I would recommend.

Live at St. Albans is nothing more than a bad CD of a tape and although
it was unique at the time - being among the first of its kind - is
still exactly the same status as the later ones.   Even Orgasmatron
(which I am inclined to hesitate over due to the uniqueness of some of
its material) is still a bootleg CD and should go with the rest.

They can remain listed in the discography surely, so they'll still exist
on record (as it were) but they are not appropriate for a Codex listing.


J.D.Strobridge at                         eset08 at
                                                ELIJSA at

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