BOC: Jason's Questions

Ted Jackson jr. s2h2 tojackso at LIBRARY.SYR.EDU
Fri Nov 13 06:34:13 EST 1998

> From:          "<Nick English>" <nick at THECAMPUS.COM>
> I want 'Wings of Mercury'! If it's on this mythical KBFH disc,
> they've got my 13 bucks! I used to have it on a bootleg of an '86
> show (Opening for...yuck...Rush in Binghamton) and I loved it!
> I believe it was written for the 'Hearin' Aid' project. Does anybody
> know why it eventually wasn't included on that album?
> --  Nick

I've actually got Hear 'n' Aid!  Can't remember the tune they play.
I believe EB and BD might actually be on another tune as well, as
backing players.  The album's more cool for its cover art than the
disc inside! Hey, and whatta mean 'yuck?'  Everyone knows Rush's the
greatest Canadian export since Old Vienna.  I know because
adolescents of all ages have told me so!


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