HW: HawkFairies New CD ?

M S Wright M.S.Wright at READING.AC.UK
Mon Oct 26 05:13:51 EST 1998

On Sun, 25 Oct 1998, sprawl wrote:

> >BDL>     Yup.  It's a pile of big floppy pants which makes Yuri Gargarin
> >BDL> look really quite good.
> I think the sound quality is superior to Yuri by far, but the performance is
> substandard.  A buncha drinks, maybe it would sound like something...
In the spirit of exploration and research I did listen to this over the
weekend and came up with the following thoughts.

Nik wasn't singing very well on this.
The mix is terrible.
The songs don't flow very well.
The jams are rather stop start and marred by the mix. The guitar is too
The addition of a trumpet doesn't improve Brainstorm.
Or any other track.
It sounds like a pub band doing covers.
It sounds like a covers band doing walk through versions of Hawkwind.
And the Hendrix tracks aren't a worthy addition to the CD.

> If I had been there, and it sounded like that, I would have left.
> Probably.
> maybe.
> Nah.. prolly not, but I would definitely have not recorded it.
> rj
I agree entirely. If I was in a pub watching them then once I'd had a few
drinks I might have enjoyed it, having made allowances for a live sound
being crap. However as for releasing it.....

Yours humbuggedly


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