Bootleg CD removal from Codex proposed

Johan Edlundh johan.edlundh at HABO.MAIL.TELIA.COM
Fri Oct 30 13:05:07 EST 1998

>Damnation Alley should definitely be out!
>I'm not convinced that Theta Orionis should stay in either.   I agree
>that this is about the only one I've ever seen available at record fairs
>but surely it is in exactly the same category as all the other bootlegs
>and giving this credence in the Codex simply by sure wieght of numbers
>when we are excluding others of identical type doesn't really seem to
>justfy its inclusion.    I vote against it - if only on grounds of

If your Theta Orionis is a CD-R, there's two versions around.
Your version shall be out, and mine shall be in.
So it'll end up in anyway - if consistency is something to take care about
in this matter.



>PS: I heard on the news about the fire in Gothenberg.   My sympathies
>to all and anyone involved there.

The country is in a shock state today.

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