HW: Support act at some S

Martyn Lawrence martynl at FUJITSU.COM.AU
Tue Sep 8 10:41:18 EDT 1998

> From: Mark Edmonds
> Date: 1998-09-07 16:10
> Folks,
> I was talking the other day with someone who went to a HW gig with me back
> in ...about... 1986 at some SciFi convention in Brighton (UK). We both had
> fond memories of the support act but had no idea of the group's name or
> where they might be now - does anyone know this?
Cant help you out mark,didn't one of the hawkfans have a scicon article in it.
Here in Melbourne the other week,jackie levine?
ex-doll by doll was out here and was being raved about.
I remember doll by doll being crap and given lots of stick,when they supported

other support bands remembered.

Bethnal(good version of baba o'reilly)
baron rojo
patrick fitzgerald
ozric tentacles

cant remember if marseille ever supported HW,but they were bloody loud at a UFO



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