BOC: Birdman again

Andy Gilham Andy.Gilham at BTINTERNET.COM
Tue Sep 15 19:23:31 EDT 1998

The best place to get Birdman. and also Deniz Tek and New Christs, stuff, is
from Citadel Records - find them on a link from  They should have both RB's albums
(CD remasters) and loads more besides.

Be warned - once you start, you'll want everything!  But maybe start with
Radio Birdman's _Radios Appear_ album.

- Andy

mailto:Andy.Gilham at;

> -----Original Message-----
> From: BOC/Hawkwind Discussion List [mailto:BOC-L at LISTSERV.SPC.EDU]On
> Behalf Of Laj Waldner
> Sent: 15 September 1998 22:28
> To: Multiple recipients of list BOC-L
> Subject: Re: BOC: Birdman again
> Andy Gilham wrote:
> > Just got a Radio Birdman LP bootleg, _Rock'n'Roll War_, with a
> live version
> > of "Career of Evil".  Usual dodgy bootleg quality, fairly
> faithful version,
> > nice laid-back gtr solo from Deniz.
> >
> > - Andy
> >
> > mailto:Andy.Gilham at;
>   I went down to our
> areas best music store in terms of rarities and selection
> to see if I could find some Radio Birdman albums, but I found
> none nor even a
> place for them on the rack. Did any RB albums get released on CD
> and if so how
> difficult are they to get? I usually like to check out bands that
> have either
> covered and/or given credit to BOC.
> Speaking of covers of BOC, has anybody heard the version of Dominance and
> Submission Mike Watt did on some single from Ball Hog or Tug
> Boat, if so how
> does it sound?

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