HW: Caution?

M Holmes fofp at HOLYROOD.ED.AC.UK
Mon Apr 5 09:38:02 EDT 1999

Jonathan Jarrett writes:

> On Tue, 30 Mar 1999, Andrew A. Apold wrote:
> > >So, what's this about some unreleased Hawkwind album called _Caution_?
> > When was this thing recorded?

> > >Why did it never get released?

>         Wasn't it something like the then label, who were one-off for that
> project anyway, having distributor problems, during which the album got
> shelved, and there were arguments and now there's bad blood on both sides,
> because the label don't think it's worth distributing, but won't give up
> the rights. Though I could be remembering something else entirely.
>         If I remember correctly there was also an issue over the label
> insisting on using a house producer who did his own over-dubs. I think the
> band were very upset at this and claimed it wasn't really a Hawkwind
> album, a "made-up record". Again, don't quote me though. Yours,

There was also the problem that Baker and Hale had left the band and
there were problems with rights to the concept. The track "Let's Be
Careful Out There" had also run into problems because of its sampling of
the line from Seargant Phil.

>                                                                 Jon


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