OFF: ozric tentacles

denizen of chaos akomins at MIDWAY.UCHICAGO.EDU
Wed Apr 7 09:06:42 EDT 1999

On Tue, 6 Apr 1999, flossbac wrote:

:Subject: OFF: ozric tentacles
:For some reason I've recently been getting into Ozric Tentacles very heavily
:and I'm regretting not buying earlier releases when they were still
:available.  Does anyone know where I can get a copy of the "Vitamin
:Enhanced" box?
:John Majka
:flossbac at


I've seen copies at Chicago Digital, but I've not been there for a bit,
and don't know if they do still. (They are reachable at (708) 383-1870).

(I've got tape copies of a friend who got the vitamin
box at the gig they did here in chicago....)

---hellhound shelter---------------------------------------------------
the denizen of chaos                    | denizen at
aka Arin Komins                         |
------------------------------------------------searching for satori---

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