HW: Lyrics

Dave Berry daveb at HARLEQUIN.CO.UK
Tue Apr 20 09:31:12 EDT 1999

At 09:05 20/04/99 -0400, Andrew A. Apold wrote:
>Such things...  to do a song based on it, you can't do "tell the story"
>and have it come off right, it just don't work (ref - the lyrics in
>BOC's "The Pact").  If anything, it should focus on a specific moment,
>one character, and his motives and what he's trying to do, that usually
>works better for me than an attempt to describe action...

I agree entirely -- except that I really like "The Pact"!


Languages Group Manager.
Harlequin Ltd., Lismore House, 127 George St, Edinburgh, EH2 4JN, UK.
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