ADMIN: What's "off-topic" really there for?

Joseph Brooks Joseph.Brooks at GCCCD.NET
Tue Apr 27 18:57:44 EDT 1999

I gotta go with you on this one. I for one have absolutely no problem with
off-topic stuff. This list isn't *that* busy and its not all that diffiCULT
to hit that little DEL key a few times for the stuff that I'm certain won't
interest me. After all, I already do so for 90% of the Hawkwind traffic
anyway (which is 90% of the list lately). But I've also found quite a few
interesting reads on the list which were definately way OFF. Besides,
off-topic is my specialty!


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Michael S. Habiby [mailto:corwyn at GLOBAL2000.NET]
> Sent: Tuesday, April 27, 1999 3:43 PM
> To: Multiple recipients of list BOC-L
> Subject: Re: ADMIN: What's "off-topic" really there for?
> Delurking
> You know I think there is nothing finer than getting the
> whole picture of my
> fellow Hawkwind and BOC fans and doing so via off topics is a
> great way!  I have
> learned about many other bands, but also read opinions on
> life the universe and
> everything.  I say there should be no off topic!  LOL ok
> maybe a bit, but as long
> as we adults use our brains and clearly tell what the rant :)
> is about (one can
> always delete) then what is the harm.
> Parenthetically (pathetically) yours
> mike
> return to lurking mode

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