HW: BADAM festival info
Neil Ward
Thu Apr 29 04:35:40 EDT 1999
>Buxton All Day All Music (BADAM ) festival featuring Hawkwind, Arthur
>Brown, Spacehead, Daevid Allen, Banco De Gaia, and possibly Bedouin,
>plus many others, will be held on July 31st to August 1st.
>Hawkwind will play on Saturday 31st at 10pm. Curfew is midnight.
>Tickets are £29 adults, £10 14-17 year olds, under13 free.
>Includes car parking and camping from Friday lunchtime to Monday
>For a few weeks tickets will be offered at £20 by sending cheques/PO
>payable to BADAM Festival:
Full address is
BADAM Festival
C/O 12, Hartington Road
SK17 6JW
Tel/Fax 01298 23808
Or Tel only 01298 26884. Ask for Clive
There is now a web site which will be updated as more bands are
signed, www.badam99.freeserve.co.uk and E-mail
news at badam99.freeserve.co.uk
Q magazine and some others are interested in an interview about BADAM.
(In contrast NME hung up on the organizer after he told them who were
playing, and refused to show any interest at all)
There is a CD of the local bands who will play available from the
above address for £7.
Ironically Maiden are the latest addition, and Alan told me last night
that Bedouin are probably going to play on Sunday 1st when fees have
been agreed.
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